3D-HydrO2 facial

The 3D HydrO2 Facial has been specially developed to offer the complete facial experience to target an array of concerns including dehydration, oxygenation, into-ageing, brightening, skin-tightening and congestion. Offering seven different technologies, which smooth, hydrate and cleanse the skin, we are able to tailor your facial to your specific concerns and requirements.

What areas can be treated?

The HydrO2 Facial technology has been developed specifically to target the face, including the jaw line, neck and décolletage.

How does the treatment work?
3D hydropeel

3D HYDROPEEL: Uses a combination of three solutions to cleanse and smooth the skin using an AHA based solution. It hydrates and nourishes the skin using RH-Oligopeptide-1 and Acetyl Hexapeptide base. Bacteria and inflamed skin are improved using a BHA solution. Vacuum action removes impurities from congested areas of skin.

3D-HydrO2 exfoliation

EXFOLIATION: Exfoliation is via a single use capsule containing citric acid and sodium bicarbonate. When combined with glycerol, a foaming effect is   created producing carbon dioxide which induces the release of oxygen from red blood cells. When oxygen is naturally released to the skin from inside the body, it results in a true oxygenation.

3D HydrO2 oxygenation

OXYGENATION: A lack of oxygen slows down cell metabolism, ages cells prematurely, reduces skin firmness and creates a dull complexion. 3D HydrOFacial will supply 25% oxygen and other specially selected ingredients to the upper layers of the epidermis and to increase blood flow, cell regeneration and help to minimise free radical damage. Some bacteria are unable to live in oxygen so the treatment can also have a positive effect on congestion.

3D HydrO2 hydration

HYDRATION: After applying a hydrating mask, ultrasound technology is used over the top in order to infuse the product into the skin. Its thermal action has a stimulating effect on the blood flow and activates cell metabolism. The biochemical effects trigger a micro massage in the tissue which stimulates the formation of new collagen.

3D HydrO2 skin lifting

SKIN LIFTING: Electroporation technology momentarily creates spaces in the outer layers of the skin enabling greater absorption of specially selected products that are applied topically. Using a combination of iontophoresis and anti-gravity actions, this hand piece also produces a minor muscle contraction and lifting effect.

3D HydrO2 skin tightening - radio frequency

SKIN TIGHTENING: Tri-polar radiofrequency delivers the energy directly into the dermis, raising the temperature to between 40-42 degrees. This causes an immediate contraction of existing mature collagen fibres and stimulation of the fibroblasts which results in the production of new collagen and a lasting, firmer, healthier skin.

3D HydrO2 cryo facial

CRYO FACIAL: The ‘Cryo-facial’ is a dual modality hand piece which uses heat and cooling technology. The skin temperature is heated to 42 degrees, which dilates the pores for deeper cleansing and also creates heat shock proteins—these are chemical messengers that trigger repair mechanisms to improve elasticity and firmness of the skin. The cooling aspect, chills the skin down to 5 degrees and is used at the end of each facial to give a further tightening and helps to seal infused products into the skin.

Is it safe and does it hurt?

The technologies used in 3D HydrO2 Facials have been extensively researched to ensure their safety and efficacy. Treatment is entirely painless and will feel very relaxing with visible results immediately post treatment.

Treatment would not be recommended in certain situations, such as during pregnancy or breastfeeding, if you have any metal or implants in the area being treated, recent aesthetic procedures or certain medical conditions or medications. This will all be discussed during your free consultation when a medical history is completed.

Are there any side effects?

After treatment, the area may be slightly reddened and warm or cool depending on the treatment you have received, but this will settle quickly.  There is occasionally some aching or minor discomfort after treatment and very rarely, the skin may get slightly burnt.

What can I expect after treatment?

Often people notice immediate results with skin appearing lighter, brighter and plumper  and also visibly hydrated. If your practitioner is focusing on lifting and tightening, you may notice results immediately but it is likely to take several sessions to achieve your target.

For very congested skin, a course of treatments is recommend to achieve visible results. A single treatment is a fabulous way to brighten your complexion and rehydrate dull, dry skin, particularly before an important event or occasion.

We strongly recommend the use of a good moisturiser and sun-block for a few days after the treatment and preferably starting on a science based medical cosmeceutical range to further improve the skin.

Pre-treatment instructions

The 3D HydrO2 facial has been developed to target an array of concerns including hydration, oxygenation, anti-ageing, brightening, skin tightening and congestion. During a 3D HydrOfacial therapists are able to choose from one or all of the available technologies in order to create a completely bespoke treatment package; these include, Radiofrequency skin tightening, Hydro peel, Deep cleanse, Oxygenation, Skin lifting, Hydration and a Cryo-facial.

The practitioner will describe and discuss in detail the procedure including possible benefits and risks and answer any specific questions you may have. The practitioner will advise on what the expected outcome is likely to be in their professional opinion. However, results cannot be guaranteed and mild to moderate improvements may often be achieved.

If you are unfamiliar with any of the terms used or do not understand then ask for further explanation from the practitioner. You can take home a copy of the consent form, pre-treatment and post-treatment instructions to further research and consider the treatment and to discuss with third parties if you wish before deciding on the treatment.

It is advised to avoid any exfoliating products (such as glycolic, lactic, salicylic acids) and retinol (Vitamin A) products on your skin for three days prior to treatment. The procedure should not be performed alongside any other exfoliating treatments including other skin peels or microdermabrasion without the agreement of your treating practitioner. The treatment should not be performed on irritated or sunburnt skin and it is recommended to avoid tanning and sunbeds for at least 2 weeks.

If you have had any recent beauty or aesthetic treatments or planning to undergo dental treatment, this should be discussed with your practitioner to ensure that it is safe to proceed with the procedure.

You may not be suitable for treatment if you have any of the following:

  • Pregnancy/Breastfeeding
  • Infection/inflammation of the treatment site including herpetic outbreaks
  • An impaired immune system or undergoing treatment for cancer
  • Allergy to any of the ingredients of the facial
  • Sensitive/irritable skin

A medical history form must be completed prior to any treatment.

If you are feeling unwell on the day of treatment, please contact the clinic to re-arrange your appointment.

Post-treatment instructions

Following treatment, there may be some transient heat, redness, swelling, tenderness. It is recommended that you use a soap free cleanser for three days post treatment and avoid using products with active ingredients for three days. You can apply a moisturiser to your skin if you feel you need to – ask your practitioner to recommend the best product.

Complications that may occur include:

  • Prolonged redness, particularly on delicate skin.
  • Delayed redness, either widespread or in patches.
  • Dryness
  • Itchiness
  • Allergy to any of the ingredients of the treatment.

Dos and Don’ts

  • You can apply makeup immediately after treatment should you wish to
  • Avoid other cosmetic, beauty or dental treatments for at least a week
  • Use a high SPF sun-protection after treatment
  • Avoid products with active ingredients, particularly retinol based products for three days post treatment
  • Contact the clinic as soon as possible if you have any concerns

I understand if I suffer any adverse reaction that is not expected, or concerns me, I must contact the clinic immediately. The practitioner or the clinic cannot take responsibility for complications or results that have not been reported, assessed, documented and managed when you become aware of a potential problem.


HydrO2 Facial before-after one treatment
HydrO2 Facial results after one session

Our prices


Best for treating congested skin, redness and can be suitable for a younger skin

• Clear Skin Express Facial ~ 30 mins ~ £50.00

• Clear Skin Facial ~ 60 mins ~ £95.00

• Clear Skin Facial ~ 90 mins ~ £150.00


Best for treating fine lines, wrinkles and sun-damaged skin

• Time Defence Express Facial ~ 30 mins ~ £50.00

• Time Defence Facial ~ 60 mins ~ £95.00

• Time Defence Plus Facial ~ 90 mins ~ 150.00


Best for treating sun-damaged skin, pigmentation and a dull complexion.

• Brightening Express Facial ~ 30 mins ~ 50.00

• Brightening Facial ~ 60 mins ~ 95.00

• Brightening Plus Facial ~ 90 mins ~ 150.00


Best for treating fine lines and wrinkles

• Eye tightening using Tripolar Radio Frequency to stimulate collagen around the delicate eye area ~ 20 mins ~ £30.00